Is artificial food color harmful to men’s health?

Is artificial food color harmful to men’s health?

Ask anyone about food colors and they will surely tell you that it is bad for your health. One type of disease that we can relate to food colors and is known to most of us is cancer. But do you know in what ways these added food colors cause damage to your health?

Well, we will not only tell you about the bad effects of food colors in this article but also tell you about these types of colors but also tell you some food items that do not contain any added colors. Oh, and you also get to know how to increase the color of food items using natural items.

Which dyes are used in food?

Dyes have been a regular part of processed and packed food items. Such items help enhance the color of the food to make it look fresh, and more tasty and savory to your mouth. The US FDA and the European Food Safety Authority EFSA do not recommend men to take food itemsthat contain added food colors. As pet those, these food items may affect you in a lot of ways also affecting your penis erections for which you may need to use Cenforce 200.

Most packed and processed food items have added colors in them even though it is commonly available in the markets. Roadside hotels and food stalls buy these food colors which are nothing but toxic chemicals and use them to enhance the color of curries.

Food colors that are in use

Red No 3

It is useful to enhance color in candies, drinks, cakes, pastries, and popsicles.

Red No 40

It is used mostly in all forms of soft drinks, energy drinks, and cereals.

Yellow No 5

Common food items loaded with this food color type are candies, soft drinks, chips, and cereals.

Yellow No 6

Uses to make sauce, and all forms of baked food items, and is useful to increase the shelf life of packed veggies and fruits.

However, do you have any idea what types of dyes and food colors are used in food items?

Food color and cancer:

It is widely known that food colors are known to cause cancer. And it seems that studies have also verified this. As per a study in the UK around 20% of males takin food items with added colors and dyes in them have suffered from cancer.

Some of the major types of cancer that food colors may cause are oral cancer, dental cancer, stomach cancer, cancer in the intestines, skin cancer, and blood cancer.

Food color and allergies:

Some food items with added colors in them are highly known to cause allergies. A doctor may never advise you to take food from outside or pack food items if you are suffering from asthma, or allergies in the respiratory tract, skin, and eyes.

Damage to testes:

A study done in 2016 on men shows that having too many-colored food items can cause much damage to the testes. In very few of these cases, it went on to become cancer. But most have shown a sign of shrink in their testes size.

Low immunity because of food colors:

Added food colors may cause low immunity. One study at the US Department of Health shows that men taking too many packed and stored food items with added colors in them have regular infections and allergies.

As per some lab studies, the most common infections have occurred in the eyes, stomach, and intestines.

Thyroid tumor:

Although it is less common, around 5% of the time, men taking a lot of preserved food items with added colors in them have thyroid tumors. Most of these went on to turn into cancer umors needing treatment.

Food color and mental health:

A study in 2014 shows that food colors and additives in food items may even affect your mental health. In this case, several men were studied especially those who took a lot of packed and canned food items with synthetic food colors in them.

The results showed that around 15% of men have in the long run these food habits ended up with major issues to the brain and mental health.

For example, some people had suffered from neuralgia, while others had had brain tumors or cancer. Around 20% of such men had issues like seizures and damage to the brain nerves and spinal cord.

Not only this, around half of them had also shown signs of anxiety and stress. You may not know but these mental health problems can also affect your sex life. A report shows that around 45% of such men may have problems with a hard erection and may need to use Fildena100.

Best food items free from food colors

A good idea is always to avoid adding any form of colored dyes and pigments to your recipes.

However, some food items do not have any harmful or toxic food color items in them.

Here are a few examples-

  • Dairy items
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Paneer
  • All fresh meat options like chicken, beef, and fish. To avoid the presence of any food color in them source it from the market. Do not go for those packed meats.
  • All vegetables and fruits
  • Grains like quinoa, oats, brown rice, and barley
  • Legumes like black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils

Some good natural food colors:

Guess what you can look at spices, fruits, and vegetables if you want to add colors to your recipes. God has gifted us with many food items already that have natural colors in them. So why not add these natural food items instead of buying chemical dyes from the market to bring out a color in your dishes?

Food items to increase color in recipes:

  • Beetroots
  • Turmeric powder
  • Red chili powder
  • Black pepper
  • Paprika
  • Spinach
  • Grapes
  • Coriander and green chilies
  • Tomatoes

To get color using beetroots, coriander, spinach, tomatoes, and green chilies, you just need to blend it in a jar. Turmeric powder, red chili powder, and pepper powder on the other hand are ready-to-use natural food coloring items.

Final thoughts

It is always a bad idea to buy food dyes and colors from the market. As you have seen there are not just many health risks, but each one of them is quite severe like cancer, tumors, and so on.

A good idea is to use food items like turmeric, beetroots, and paprika to develop colors in recipes. Powpills is a good online portal for patients having any of the health issues given in this article. They have lots of different medicines to curb such issues. Go and check it out now!

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